Freezer Storage Set(5)
10.840 OMR
Tupperware's original products are eco-friendly, Made with the highest quality materials, ensuring great performance and elegant style.
The freezer-friendly tools are specially designed to protect the food
from the dry air in the freezer which may lead to food drying. The seal
retains the freshness and flavors of your favorite foods and prevents
odors that will harm other foods in the freezer. The containers are
made of a flexible material that prevents cracks in the freezer and
makes it very easy to remove the food from the containers when you
take it out of the freezer.
15 x 11.4 x 6.1 cm H / 450ml x2
15 x 11.4 x 11.9 cm H / 1.1L x2
22.6 x 15.8 x 6.1 cm H / 1L
Freezer Mates Starter Set